TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Brakes and bleeding
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Subject Brakes and bleeding
Posted by irdhp on June 04, 2016 at 4:27 PM
  This message has been viewed 385 times.
Message Hi,

I can start with that I have replaced all the brake pads. The problem is and have been for the last two years the brakes haven't been good. Even when I press the brakes all I can its not enough to make the abs engage...

So I have tried too bleed the brakes. I have used pressure bleeding. Works OK but not able to get good brakes as described above. Tried bleeding the old way. One person pumping and holding and so on. So too a problem. When bleeding. We loose pressure on the front calipers when bleeding. The pedal goes to the bottom when we try to build pressure again. If we wait for about 15-30 second the pressure is back. There are no air bubbles. And it goes on and on like that.

I have replaced all the piston on the front calipers. Didn't help.

Any ideas? (one person mentioned that dirt or something might cause the brake fluid from the master cylinder beer not to run fast enough therfore the 15-30 sec wait before pressure is back... )

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